Rose Murphy: 1941 - 2020

To a wonderful soul


  This Storytree is dedicated to life of a Rose Murphy, whose story should be shared and remembered. She will live on through the memories of those who loved her dearly.  


Place of Birth: London

Place of Passing: London

Date of Birth: 01 Apr 1941

Date of Passing: 02 Jan 2020

Other Details

Nick Name: Rosie

Country: United Kingdom

Profession: Nurse

More Info

Achievements: London Mayor's recognition for her services in medicine

Interests: Gardening

Favourite Sayings: Who's that thingamabob?

Fondest memories: Her wedding day

Her favourite song

Rose's Life

Messages in dedication to Rose Murphy

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You will forever be in our hearts Rose.

Aunty Rose, rest in peace now, and thank you so much for your love.


Got married

Birth of her first child

Bought of her house

Graduated as a nurse

First grandchild was born

Stories in dedication to Rose Murphy

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Miss you Nan!

When I was growing up, the summer holidays meant going to Nanny Rose’s house. I loved that. Aunt Arlene lived there too! I absolutely adored them both! Now that I have my own children, I am reflecting on just how wonderful they both were: Nana Rose simply loving and Aunt Arlene was hilarious. When I was ten-years old, Grandad had just passed away so I remember Nan Rose being so sad but thankfully I was able to draw a smile on her face. Nana was legendary. We talk about her frequently; I share so many stories with siblings and children. There is always something that reminds us of one of her sayings such as when washing dishes, "If it won't wipe clean, it's not clean." If I forget something and have to go back inside after leaving the house, I always sit down and spit - a superstition she passed on to me. Nana Rose loved to have kids around and loved to laugh with us. She would take my cousins and I for special days out. I remember one time, we went to Whipsnade zoo, it was amazing! We spent the day looking at all the animals, roaming around the zoo and I even got to see my favourite animal- elephants! To make our trip even more special, Nan Rose brought me the most beautiful elephant ornament which I still have and cherish today. Nana's house was a great house for us to explore. The loft was terrifying and creepy. The upstairs was either oppressively hot or freezing cold. There was a door out from one of the bedrooms to a balcony above the front porch. We were never supposed to go out there, but it was an ever tempting thrill for that reason. But, no matter where Nana was, she could always hear us open that door. Trying to get away with breaking that little rule was always a temptation. Nan Rose was an amazing card player. My whole family still loves to play cards and remains fiercely competitive. We would play ‘Rummy’, a family favourite where we would fiercely compete against each other – it was so much! But she never tolerated cheating. Nana's gift to us was love, pure and simple. She cooked for us (her pot roast and chicken and dumplings were the best!), did things to entertain us, and mostly just loved us. When someone loves you that much, you love them back and we all did. Whenever anyone remembers anything about Nana Rose, it's accompanied with a smile or a laugh. She was a pleasant, good, fun, and loving grandma and she will be forever in our hearts.

The person who always made me laugh

Aunt Rose will always be remembered for one liners….I remember about 10 years ago, Rose decided she was going to widen her cooking repertoire. Now one thing everyone knew about my Aunt Rose is she hated cooking and even she admitted she wasn’t a very good cook but she always tried her best; her dishes were always described within the family as being ‘interesting’. One Thursday evening and she called me to tell that Nigella Lawson was cooking an ‘interesting’ pasta sauce and she had been inspired to have a go at making it. She invited me round for dinner on Saturday and even boosted that she was going to make enough to freeze some and was feeling very much like Suzy homemaker! I arrived to Aunt Rose’s house for dinner and I was feeling a little nervous… this was the first time I had the pleasure of tasting one of Aunt Rose’s spaghetti pasta sauces! To my surprise, the meal was delicious! One of her best dinners I have ever had! As we finished eating, it was now time to put all the leftover food away. Aunt Rose absolutely hated wasting anything; she was generation of saving anything and everything. ‘Waste not, want not’ she used to say. I found a Tupperware bowl that would be a good size to freeze some of the sauce and helped her fill it up. It looked as though it was a brand new bowl and I was having a difficult time getting the lid to close. Aunt Rose wasn’t going to let it get the better of me though. So together, we inched around the lid and then put my whole weight into it to seal it shut, only instead of cooperating, the bowl went flying. It shot out from under me with a vengeance sending sauce everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE! We laughed and laughed. It took us literally hours to clean up. After all the cleaning, Aunt Rose announced ‘I knew there was a reason I avoided Italians; slippery little sods!’ I couldn’t stop laughing!


19th April 2023 at 12:30 pm

Holy Cross Church, 208 Sangley Road, Catford. London, SE6 2JS

Link to the location


19th April 2023 at 2:30 pm

Hither Green Crematorium Verdant Lane, London SE6 1TP

Link to the location

Order of Service

Below is the order of service booklet


Funeral Live Stream

Description Uploaded Options
Life's Work 27-10-2022 09:43
Secret Recipe 27-10-2022 09:43
Masters Degree Certificate 27-10-2022 09:43

Rose Murphy has shared some words to those that knew them, and those who will one day.

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